Keri Pitzer, Republican, for Okaloosa County Commissioner - District 3

Keri Pitzer is a lifelong Republican, dedicated community leader and advocate for responsible growth in Okaloosa County. Born and raised in the heart of the South, Keri moved to Okaloosa 10 years ago when the Air Force relocated her husband to Eglin AFB.  Falling in love with the area, Keri and her family have made Okaloosa their lifelong home.  Through her business and love of animals, Keri has witnessed firsthand the challenges and opportunities facing our community.  With a deep desire to preserve Okaloosa’s best qualities, Keri has stepped forward to offer her leadership and vision as a candidate for District 3 County Commissioner.

Keri’s Vision

Keri Pitzer recognizes that Okaloosa County is at a critical juncture in its development. She understands that the county is experiencing rapid population growth and heightened pressures on its infrastructure and resources. In response, she advocates for policies aimed at fostering growth that is compatible with community interests and sustainable by the infrastructure.  Infrastructure which can’t support current requirements must be improved.  Growth policies must seek to balance the need for development with the preservation of the region's distinct character and natural environment.  

Managing Growth Responsibly

Keri believes in smart growth policies that prioritize quality of life for residents over unchecked development. She will advocate for improvements to roads, schools, and public services to enhance the quality of life for residents of Okaloosa County.

Engaging with Constituents

Keri is committed to representing the varied voices and interests of Okaloosa County residents. She will listen to the concerns of constituents from all walks of life and work collaboratively to address their needs and priorities.

Preserving our County’s Character

Keri is a staunch advocate for protecting our farms, rivers, and beaches. By preserving open spaces and including green infrastructure elements into projects, we can enhance residents access to nature and outdoor recreation.